Jesus in a bottle (Part 5)

Sermon Notes:

Knowing the Real Jesus vs. the Cultural Jesus

1. Setting the Stage: Lent and the Journey to Easter

We're halfway through Lent—a time of reflection, prayer, and preparation for Easter.
Holy Week plans include a daily prayer and reading guide, plus morning prayers at church.
This season reminds us to focus on the resurrection and the real foundation of our faith: Jesus.

2. Foundation of Faith: Knowing the Real Jesus

This series is about building our lives around the true Jesus, not the version the world presents.
Many follow a “genie-in-a-bottle” Jesus, expecting convenience, comfort, and blessings on demand.
True faith means trusting Jesus in the midst of hardship, even when our prayers aren’t answered how we expect.

3. The Example of Hannah

In deep sorrow and pain, Hannah worshipped and prayed—not because she expected a quick fix, but because she trusted God.
Through that intimacy, she encountered the true nature of God: holy, sovereign, and faithful.
Her story teaches us to pursue God in suffering, not just for what He can do, but for who He is.

4. Jesus' Foundational Question

Matthew 16:13–16: Jesus asks His disciples two crucial questions:

  • “Who do people say I am?”

  • “Who do YOU say I am?”

Our personal response reveals our relationship with Jesus.

5. The Danger of Cultural Jesuses

Prosperity Jesus

This version promises wealth and comfort in exchange for faith and giving.
Biblical truth: Jesus calls us to self-denial and sacrifice (Luke 9), not transactional faith.

Political Jesus

Jesus is often co-opted as a symbol of a political party.
Biblical truth: “My kingdom is not of this world.” Jesus is not a political mascot—He is King of Kings.

Moral Teacher Jesus

Some reduce Jesus to simply a wise man or philosopher.
Biblical truth: Jesus declared “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He claimed divinity—He wasn’t just “good,” He is God.

All-Inclusive Jesus

Culture paints Jesus as someone who affirms everything and never calls for change.
Biblical truth: Jesus loves us as we are, but calls us to repentance (Luke 13:3) and transformation.

Social Justice Jesus

Jesus is seen as a revolutionary activist against systems of power.
Biblical truth: Jesus came “not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” His primary mission was spiritual, not political.

6. Weak Foundations and False Transformations

Cultural Jesus builds a shaky foundation (Matthew 7).
Faith built on compromise leads to lukewarm, superficial Christianity.
Jesus isn’t an accessory; He’s the cornerstone.
Too often, people “tag” Jesus onto their lives like a bumper sticker, rather than being fully surrendered.

7. Moving from Head Knowledge to Heart Experience

The Bible uses two Greek words for “know”:

  • Oida: Intellectual, fact-based knowledge.

  • Ginosko: Deep, relational, experiential knowledge.

Eternal life is not about knowing about Jesus—it’s about knowing Him personally and intimately.

8. Peter’s Journey: From Denial to Declaration

Peter had real experiences with Jesus—miracles, teaching, intimate moments—yet still denied Him.
His confession, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” came from relationship, not hearsay.
Faith includes moments of failure—but it’s built on personal encounters, not public opinion.

9. What About Us?

Jesus isn’t asking, “What can I do for you?”
He’s asking, “Who am I to you?”
Is He:

  • The cultural Jesus built by comfort?

  • Or the Jesus of Scripture, who brings conviction, peace, hope, and transformation?

10. The Eternal Difference

Matthew 7:23: “I never knew you.”
Those four words represent the scariest moment in Scripture.
Religion isn’t enough. Church attendance isn’t enough.
Jesus wants relationship. Intimacy. Daily connection. Surrender.

11. Real Encounters Change Everything

Even if we haven’t walked on water or seen miraculous catches of fish like Peter, we can experience:

  • God’s provision

  • Deliverance from sin

  • Healing

  • Peace in the storm

  • Personal encounters with His presence

Faith is shaped not by what we’ve read about Jesus, but what we’ve experienced with Him.

12. Conclusion: Six Most Beautiful Words

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

When we know the real Jesus, we can walk confidently through life and stand boldly before God.
Let’s live for the applause of heaven, not the approval of the world.


Jesus in a bottle (Part 4)